Mosquito activity may be above normal years

Warm winter, high river and recent heavy rains brings increased mosquito activity.
This year has the potential to be above normal for mosquito activity.
This winter’s warmer temperatures, heavy rains, and high river stages have allowed continued development and increased breeding sites for mosquito reproduction across Louisiana.
Generally, warmer temperatures and rainfall amounts combined have a great impact on whether large numbers of mosquitoes.
“We are seeing increased mosquito proliferation in the municipalities of Franklin, Patterson, Baldwin, St. Mary Parish Mosquito Abatement District 1 and both upper and lower St. Martin Parish at this time,” Jessie Boudreaux, Cajun Mosquito Control, said.
Mosquito truck spraying has commenced in areas of increased documented adult mosquito concentrations, and aquatic juvenile mosquito control operations continue throughout the each municipality and St. Martin Parish. Fog, rain and weather related events have delayed some mosquito spray truck control scheduled efforts.
Residents are asked to do their part by removing standing water around homes and businesses. Take a proactive approach by draining unused swimming pools, cleaning gutters, bird baths, pet water bowls and remove or drain any containers that may hold water.
Boudreaux said it is still early for arboviral activity; to date there has been no confirmed West Nile virus activity in Louisiana.
Residents are encouraged to protect themselves from mosquito bites. If you must be outdoors avoid risk associated with mosquito bites by applying insect repellent, the CDC recommends DEET based products. Also, wear light colored long sleeve shirts and pants, avoid perfumes and peak mosquito activity times of dusk and dawn.
If anyone has a mosquito related issues or question call 337-365-7988 or go to the website: www. There is an email address there as well.


Franklin Banner-Tribune
P.O. Box 566, Franklin, LA 70538
Phone: 337-828-3706
Fax: 337-828-2874

Morgan City Review
1014 Front Street, Morgan City, LA 70380
Phone: 985-384-8370
Fax: 985-384-4255