Baldwin improves fire rating: 5 to 4

Baldwin Fire Chief Lance Mire announced Thursday that the town’s fire rating changed last week from a “five” to a “four” according to the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana.
Mire said the change came after an appeal was filed by the town, and that the new rate may save policyholders money with their fire insurers.
“It will perhaps lower your fire insurance premiums,” Mire said to residents. “That’s on a case by case basis. It goes into effect February 10. So, as of February 10, contact your insurance company and let them know of the changes, and hopefully that will lower your insurance.”
In other news, Alderwoman Margaret Coleman, on behalf of the Baldwin Beautification Club, announced the winners of the town’s 2019 Christmas Lighting Contest.
First place went to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mitchell, Second Place went to Ashley B. Spivey and Third Place went to Edward Payton.
Coleman also said a “special thanks” to the judges of the lighting contest, Barbara Burrell, Cindy Newton and Diane Prejean.
Following Coleman’s announcement, the board approved a new speed limit ordinance, as well as approved payment for the Bayou Choupique Levee Project which has reached completion.
It was further approved to move Brett Lang and Tony Derouen from “reserve to part-time officer status” with the Baldwin Police Department.
And finally, it was suggested to introduce an ordinance to raise the deposit amount required for water service in the town, from $75 to $200.
That suggestion was tabled.


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