Public notices for Oct. 18, 2023

October 10, 2023
The Mayor and Council of the Town of Berwick, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at their regular meeting place, the Town Hall, Berwick, Louisiana, Tuesday, October 10 2023, at six (6:00) o’clock p.m.
There were present: Council members Colleen Askew, Kevin He- bert, Raymond Price, James Richard, and Lud Henry.
Absent: None
Pastor Wendell Howse from Bethel Pentecostal Fellowship Church led the prayer.
Councilman James Richard led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor and Council of the Town of Berwick, State of Louisiana were duly convened as the governing authority of said Town, led by the Honorable Duval Arthur Jr, Mayor, who then stated that the Mayor and Council were ready for the transaction of business.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without reading upon motion by Raymond Price and seconded by Kevin Hebert.
The Treasurer’s report, having been reviewed, was approved without reading upon motion by James Richard and seconded by Kevin Hebert.
The Beacon did not shine on anyone this month.
Guests for the October 2023 meeting were Ms. Beverly Domengeaux from St. Mary Council on Aging and Mr. Robert Allain III. Ms. Beverly wanted to extend an invitation to their 51st Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 from 6:00pm- 8:00pm at the Bayou Bend Fitness Center. Mr. Allain stated that he is a candidate for State Senate District 21. He addressed the mayor and council, stated his qualifications, and asked for their support.
Police Chief David Leonard presented the police report for September, 2023. He stated that the department re- cently held a “Faith & Blue” event. The event was focused on bringing the community and local law enforcement together for an evening of fun and fellowship. They had a great turnout. Chief Leonard thanked the Berwick Fire Department for their help making this event happen. After no further comments, the mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda, Fire report.
Fire Chief Jody Acosta presented the fire report for September, 2023. Chief Acosta stated that the fire department re- sponded to 9 emergency calls. There were 1 fire alarm, 1 structure fire, 2 medical assists, 1 motor vehicle accident, 1 trash/grass fire, and 2 CO Alarms. Chief Acosta also reported the department now has 39 highly qualified members and have logged 300 hours of training since July. On Thursday, the de- partment will be hosting an event to celebrate Fire Prevention Week with some local elementary students. After no further comments, the mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda, the Public Works re- port.
Public Works Director Rafael Lopez presented the public works report for September, 2023. Mr. Lopez stated that town crews are repairing streets and sidewalks, repairing water leaks, cutting grass on the highways and other projects. After no further comments, the Mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda, consulting engineer’s report.
Town Engineer Mr. Reid Miller reported that the survey has been completed on the 6th Street pavement project. They are working on the design and preliminary drawings to present. They are still waiting on the state to approve the application that includes the updated cost for the Country Club Estates Drainage Project. After no further comments, the mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda, committee reports.
The Planning and Zoning and Public Safety committees had nothing to report.
The Historical Committee reported that they will be having the town market on October 14, 2023 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The Brown House Museum will be open for Trick-R-Treating on October 31, 2023 from 6:00 – 8:00pm.
The Recreation Committee reported that cheer, flag football, and tackle football have started.
The Economic Development Committee reported that the old MC Bank building has been purchased and will be opening up as a pharmacy, café, and coffee shop. The Silver Nickel was purchased and will be opening up as a laser engraving business. The Lighthouse lounge was purchased and will be opening back up as One80 Downtown Lounge.
After no further committee reports, the mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda, Public Hearings.
The Public hearing was called to order at 6:15pm.
Item No. 1 under Public Hearing – Ordinance No. 744 – Water Rates for Commercial & Residential Customers. After no comments from the council or audience, Mayor Arthur closed the public hearing.
Item No. 1 under Ordinances Introduce/Adopt – Adopt Ordinance No. 744 – Water Rates for Commercial & Industrial Customers. Upon motion by James Richard and seconded by Lud Henry, the ordinance was adopted by a unanimous roll call vote.
Item No. 1 under Resolutions/Proclamations – Resolution No. 01-24 – Resolution of Action or Non-Action – Lead Wrapped Cable Class Action. The lawyer that was going to present this, was unable to attend.
Item No. 1 under New Business – Declare Surplus Property
1997 White Ford F-150 VIN# 1FTDF1722VNB84106
1978 Red Ford Pick Up Truck VIN# F50CCH1 1185
1982 Red Ford Pump Truck VIN# 1FDPF82K9CVA13844
1985 Red Hurricane Pumper VIN# 1F9ABAA88F103 7182
2006 White Ford F-150 VIN# 1FRTF12W16NB01959
1997 Yellow GMC Street Sweeper VIN# J8DC4B1K0V700 6844
1982 Beige International Stake Body VIN# 1HTSAZRM2NH394242
2002 White Chevy Pick-Up Truck VIN# 1GCEC14W12Z211806
1982 Ford Model 555 Tractor with Backhoe and Front End Loader Serial# C69043414
1991 Ford Model 4630 Tractor - No Serial #
Upon motion by Raymond Price and seconded by Lud Henry, the items were declared surplus by a unanimous roll call vote. Items will be listed at
Item No. 2 under New Business – Atchafalaya Lodge #62 – Boot Drive. The Atchafalaya Lodge #62 would like to request permission to hold a boot drive on October 20, 2023 from 8:00am to 6:00pm at the Highway 182 intersection near Stazione’s. All donations collected will be used for college scholarships for St. Mary Parish high school students, along with other charitable causes within the parish. Upon motion by James Richard and seconded by Raymond Price, the request was approved unanimously.
Item No. 3 under New Business – Presentation by Burns Charest LLP – Regarding Lead Wrapped Cable Litigation. Mr. Burns was unable to attend.
Item No. 4 under New Business – Executive Session – Regarding Lead Wrapped Cable Litigation. Moved to the next item on the agenda.
Item No. 5 under New Business – Joey Thibodeaux – Sink holes. Mr. Thibodeaux ad- dressed the mayor and council regarding the drainage pipes that surround his property at 604 Shadowlawn. He has been having issues on his property which have continued to reoccur over the years. He would like the town to investigate and address the cause of the sink holes on his property. Public Works Director, Rafael Lopez stated that they have already issued a Louisiana One Call work order for this project. Once the area has been properly marked for utilities, town crews will be looking into the issue.
The Annual Christmas Lighting Event will take place on November 27, 2023. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
Upon motion by James Richard and seconded by Lud Henry, the agenda was expanded unanimously.
Item No. 1 – Expanded Agenda – Appointment of Ms. Ruth Black to the Berwick Housing Authority Board. The council will appoint Ms. Ruth Black to replace Mr. Robert Thigpen on the Berwick Housing Authority Board of Directors. Her term will expire December 31, 2024. Upon motion by Lud Henry and seconded by James Richard, she was appointed unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Council, upon motion by James Richard and seconded by Lud Henry, the motion to adjourn was approved unanimously.
Duval H. Arthur Jr –
Jamie Keith –
Town Clerk
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


MEETING DATE: October 19, 2023
MEETING PLACE: LEPA Main Office, 210 Venture Way
Lafayette, LA 70507
TIME: 10:30 A. M.
ITEM 1 Call to Order
ITEM 2 Pledge of Allegiance
ITEM 3 Roll Call
ITEM 4 Approval of the Minutes of the August 17, 2023 Operating Committee Meeting
(a) Report on Wholesale Power Costs and Residential Retail Rates
(b) Update on Rodemacher Unit No. 2
(c) Initial meeting of the ‘Reducing Barriers to Broadband Development Study Group (HR 155)’ – Report by Jeff Stewart
(d) Discussion on any other outstanding items of Old Business
(a) Discussion and Recommendation to the Board for Approval of the Proposed 2024 LEPA Budgets:
1. Rodemacher Unit No. 2 (original and alternate)
2. Full Requirements (original and alternate)
(b) Consideration for Approval of the 2024 Meeting Calendar for the Operating Committee
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


August 17, 2023
The St. Mary Levee District (“SMLD”) met on this date with President William Hidalgo, Sr., presiding and the following board members present: Will Terry, J.P. Hebert, Andrew Mancuso, Kenny Arceneaux, Mike Ortiz, Norris Crappell and Luther Smith.
Also present: Tim Matte, Executive Director; Michael Brocato, Operations Manager; Robert Karam, T. Baker Smith; Gerard Bourgeois & William Bourgeois; and members of the public.
Mr. Arceneaux moved to dispense with the reading and to approve the July 20 regular monthly minutes. After a second by Mr. Mancuso, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Arceneaux presented the payables report, which Mr. Mancuso moved to approve. Following Mr. Crappell second, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Matte also presented the Statement of Revenues by sources and Summary of Expenditures of the St. Mary Levee District.
Mr. Robert Karam with T. Baker Smith re- ported FTN has submitted their modeling study report for review and his office has submitted the project report for review for the West of Charenton Drainage Canal Drainage Study. Mr. Karam stated that his office plans to schedule a meeting with SMLD and the project team to discuss the next steps for this project.
Mr. Karam re- ported Sealevel is currently working to complete their substantial completion punch list for the Morgan City Pump Station.
Mr. Brocato re- ported all cameras are up and running on all structures. Mr. Brocato stated that 25 of 48 lights are out on Bayou Chene and 6 of 12 are out on Bayou Teche. Mr. Brocato also reported the re- mote connection was installed at Bayou Teche and the gauges were installed and all are up and running.
Mr. Matte re- ported that the Acadiana Watershed District is newly formed and which was Watershed Steering Committee, is now filling its membership.
Mr. Matte re- ported that the low water inspection is scheduled for next week.
Mr. Hebert mo- tioned to approve the amendment to the Administrative Services contract with APTIM. After a second by Mr. Mancuso, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Hidalgo asked for further comments and did not receive any. Mr. Terry moved for adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Hebert carried unanimously.
Arceneaux Jr.,
St. Mary Levee District
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


(985) 384-8990
Chairman – Herb Mashburn, Vice Chairman – N.A. Hensgens, Jr., Vice Chairman – Troy Lombardo, Vice Chairman – Paul T. Tholen
A regular meeting of the Berwick – Bayou Vista Joint Waterworks Commission was called at the Berwick Civic Center, 300 Patti Drive, Berwick, La. At 5:30 P.M., September 14, 2023.
Board Members Present: Herb Mashburn, Paul Tholen, N.A. Hensgens, Jr and Troy Lombardo.
Others Present: Jacob Dupuy and Tori Henry.
The meeting was called to order by Herb Mashburn.
It was moved by N.A. Hensgens, seconded by Troy Lombardo and unanimously agreed to accept the minutes from the August meeting.
It was moved by N.A. Hensgens, Jr., seconded by Troy Lombardo and unanimously agreed to accept accounts payable & treasurer’s report for the month of August.
Jacob Dupuy reported we had to have the backwash pipe and SKADA repaired. He complimented Allied Business Equipment for delivering a computer to the Plant within 15 minutes in order to get it back up and running. He also noted he has been working on flow rates for the attorney for the pending litigation as well as getting quotes for additional cameras around the Plant.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by N. A. Hensgens, seconded by Paul Tholen and unanimously agreed that the meeting be adjourned.
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


No. 744
This ordinance introduced with first reading on September 12, 2023. Published on September 20, 2023. Public hearing held on October 10, 2023.
James Richard offered the following Ordinance, who moved for its adoption. Lud Henry seconded the motion.
AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF BERWICK, LOUISIANA, to amend and re- enact Section 18-36.2 and enact Section 18-36.3 of the Town of Berwick Code of Ordinances Chapter 18 – Utilities and Service Charges, Article III – Water. This ordinance increases the commercial use rates from $15.00 to $25.00 usage over 2000 gallons per month an additional per each 1000 gallons or fraction thereof from $5.50 to $6.50 with the minimum charge of $15.00 in- creased to $25.00. Further, a new ordinance section shall be created for in- dustrial users as defined within the ordinance and creating new charges for users meeting that criteria.
BE IT ORDAIN-ED by the Mayor and Council, the governing authority of the municipal corporation of the Town of Berwick, Louisiana, that Chapter 18, Article III – Water, Section 18-36.2 is amended and re- enacted to read as follows:
Chapter 18
Article III - Water
Section 18-36.2– For commercial users inside and outside of incorporated limits of town.
(a) The term commercial user for purposes of charges for water consumption is de- fined as any business that uses water obtained from the town and resells the water (e.g. fuel dock, ice house, seafood dock, car wash, service station or other similar users) or uses the water to make a product for resale (e.g. oilfield service company, cement company, or other similar users). These definitions shall be liberally interpreted to apply to any business that uses water obtained from the town and either resells the water or uses the water to make a product for resale.
(b) Graduated rates. The charges for water service for commercial users of the town shall be as follows: First 2,000 gallons per month, minimum $25.00. For all usage over 2,000 gallons per month an additional per each 1,000 gallons, or a fraction thereof $6.50.
(c) Minimum charge. The minimum charge for water service per for commercial users shall be twenty-five dollars $25.00.
BE IT ORDAIN-ED by the Mayor and Council, the governing authority of the municipal corporation of the Town of Berwick, Louisiana, that Chapter 18, Article III – Water, Section 18-36.3 is added and shall read as follows:
Chapter 18
Article III – Water
Section 18-36.3. – For industrial users inside and outside of incorporated limits of town.
(a) The term industrial user for purposes of charges for water consumption is de- fined as any business that uses water obtained from the town and resells the water (e.g. fuel dock, ice house, seafood dock, car wash, service station or other similar users) or uses the water to make a product for resale (e.g. oilfield service company, cement company, or other similar users). These definitions shall be liberally interpreted to apply to any business that uses water obtained from the town and either resells the water or uses the water to make a product for resale.
(b) Graduated rates. The charges for water service for industrial users of the town shall be as follows:
First 2,000 gallons per month, minimum $30.00.
For all usage over 2,000 gallons per month an additional per each 1,000 gallons, or fraction thereof $7.50.
(c) Minimum charge. The minimum charge for water service per for industrial users shall be thirty dollars $30.00.
All other ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed.
Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase be declared unconstitutional, invalid, or repealed for any reason, the remainder of the ordinance shall not be affected. All provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable and the invalidity of any part of this ordinance shall not affect other provisions, items or applications of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items, or applications of this ordinance.
The vote thereon was as follows:
Ayes: James Richard, Kevin Hebert, Colleen Askew, Raymond Price, and Lud Henry
Nays: None
Absent: None
Certified, ap- proved and adopted on October 10, 2023.
Delivered to Mayor ARTHUR at 10:00 AM, on October 11, 2023.
APPROVED ————————.
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


SEPTEMBER 27, 2023
The St. Mary Parish Council met on this date in Regular Session with Chairperson Gwendolyn L. Hidalgo presiding and the following members present: Craig A. Mathews, J Ina, Rodney Olander, Leslie “Les” Rulf, Jr., James W. Bennett, Jr., Dean S. Adams, and Kristi Prejeant Rink, M.D. Absent were Scott Ramsey, Patrick J. Hebert, and Mark A. Duhon.
The Invocation was pronounced by Rev. Mathews and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Rulf.
Mr. Olander moved that the reading of the First Regular Meeting, September 13, 2023, be dispensed with and that the same be approved. Dr. Rink seconded the motion, which carried.
Diane Wiltz, Franklin Merchant Association President requested to be moved to the October 11, 2023 agenda to discuss the “Harvest Moon Festival.”
Colleen Hammonds, Debbie Torline, and Christy Theriot ap- peared before the Council to an- nounce the Roots & Ribbons Foundation 5K Race and two-mile walk to be held on Saturday, October 7, 2023.
Jennifer Collins Lanceslin, Community of Friends, Inc. appeared before the Council to discuss Community of Friends opening for members and advisor board members.
Jim Harvey ap- peared before the Council to an- nounce that he is a registered candidate for the 2024 Presidential Election.
Ann Poole, St. Mary Re-entry Community Program, appeared before the Council to discuss their program and up- date on the “Unity in the Community Trash Bash” to be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023.
Herbert “H.B.” Bell appeared be- fore the Council to announce his candidacy for St. Mary Parish Single Council District No. 1.
Reginald D. Weary appeared before the Council to announce his candidacy for St. Mary Parish At-Large Council District No. 10.
Peter Soprano appeared before the Council to discuss the 2023 Redistricting Ordinance No. 2325. Mr. Soprano’s stated that due to the lines changing for Districts 9 and 10, he chose to run for Single District.
Kevin Belanger, CEO, South Central Planning and Development Commission appeared before the Council to discuss the re- apportionment maps and redistricting. He ex- plained that the Council has to approve everything South Central does, and that they also met with the Clerk of Court and Registrar of Voters. He ex- plained that due to the delay of receiving the census and no 2010 Census map from the previous demographer, they had to recreate the At- Large District maps. He informed that the legal descriptions were not checked and that this error was not intentional. He stated that the maps given to the Council, the Clerk of Court, and the Registrar of Voters were for review and errors were not caught until it was filed with the State. He further explained that the district lines will be moved to meet the requirements.
Several Council Members stated that the At-Large maps were not presented to the Council and that the only maps presented were in a digital format that showed overlapping lines. Mr. Belanger stated that maps of existing Districts were provided to each Council Member. However, the maps with changes have not been provided to the Council because names of roads were mislabeled on the census maps. He stated that South Central should have reviewed the legal descriptions and compared them to the maps.
Parish President David Hanagriff expounded on demographers that were familiar with St. Mary Parish and stated that administration was not involved in the reapportionment plan.
Dr. Rink stated that she was the Chairperson at the time the maps were being developed and that in- formation was re- layed to the Council. She stated that having administration involved is irrelevant because this is a legislative process. She also stated that the Council was presented with the original At-Large maps in a digital form and that discussion was constantly had stating that those lines were to stay exactly the same. She informed that Josh Manning, South Central Planning, was given the original ordinance from ten years ago. Therefore, there was no reason that the verbiage actually needed to change.
After discussion, Mr. Belanger stated that they are working closely with the Registrar of Voters to make sure that there are no other anomalies within the legal description and it should be complete in the next two (2) to three (3) weeks. He informed that this will not affect the October 14, 2023 election.
Per Mr. Olan-der’s inquiry relative to discrepancies with Single District No. 3 relative to Precincts 7, 8, & 9, Mr. Belanger explain-ed that when the Council adopted the ordinance, the maps and voting precincts were accurate. He stated that the problems that occurred in the Baldwin area were on that map and when the errors were discovered, they began working on a new ordinance to correct it. He also stated that the ordinance was presented and ap- proved by the Council and sent to the Secretary of State’s Office but parts of the ordinance were not accepted. He further stated that he was informed that some of those precincts will be in District No. 1 and some will be in District No. 3.
Discussion was had by several Council Members relative to whether maps were presented at the meeting.
St. Mary Parish Registrar of Voters, Terry Foulcard appeared before the Council to discuss the redistricting maps. She apologized for her absence at the September 13, 2023 Council Meeting. She also thanked retired Registrar of Voters, Jolene Holcombe, for her assistance with the redistricting issues. She stated the following disclaimer for the record, “no one from the Registrar of Voters Office went to Mr. Peter Soprano’s place of business as published in today’s newspaper via statement by Mr. Soprano and is sure it was a mistake.”
Mrs. Foulcard submitted information on Districts 1-8, their precincts, portions, and affected precincts, if any. She informed that issues with District No. 3 have recently been discovered. She also informed that they were able to revise Precinct 6A and bring those voters back to District No. 3 because it is a split district. She informed that the original ordinance was signed on March 6, 2023 by President David Hanagriff and that this was the ordinance that the Secretary of State’s Office used when entering the districts. She further informed that the Registrar of Voters office never moved districts, only precincts were moved. She stated that Precincts 7 & 8 should have been in District No. 3 but are now in District No. 1. She explained that the law requires that the Secretary of State uses the ordinance that is adopted, not what is revised, and that the Council did not get a chance to adopt the revised ordinance. She remind-ed the Council that she, Raquel Baker, Jolene Holcombe, and Jane Pilant, Chief Deputy Clerk of Court, attended that Council meeting prepared to discuss these ordinance issues with the Council to have corrected so that it could be adopted before qualifying, but it was shut down. She informed that because of this issue, Mr. Olan-der’s District No. 3 is losing 564 voters.
Per Rev. Mathews’ inquiry relative to how this affects demographics, Mrs. Foulcard informed that the 564 voters are non-minority and that it is in Precincts 7 & 8, which encompasses the Baldwin area. She stated that this began when the Secretary of State, Clerk of Court, and Registrar of Voters Offices had concern that Baldwin voters in Precincts 7 & 8 were being moved to Franklin to vote. She stated that the error was made when those voters were brought back to Baldwin to vote. She explained that Precincts 7 & 8 should have been a split district voting in Precinct 9 at the Baudoin Fire District building. She further informed that people would vote according to the list in the ordinance.
Per President Hanagriff’s inquiry relative to what “shut down” meant, Rev. Mathews stated that some Council Members tried to pass the vote to expand the agenda to allow the Registrar of Voters Of- fice to appear be- fore them to give this explanation, Councilman Du- hon voted against expanding the agenda which meant discussion could not be had. He explained that under State Statute, it only takes one (1) vote to prevent an expansion of the agenda.
Several Council Members thanked the Registrar of Voters Office for working so hard and clarifying these issues.
Parish President David Hanagriff expounded on the recent Parish President candidate forums relative to their discussions regarding bond debts, GOMESA Funds, and Payroll Budget. He informed that the Parish is not in a fifty-million-dollar debt. He explained the process on bond debts and GOMESA Funding and expounded on several projects that have benefited from those funds.
In response to Rev. Mathews’ in- quiry, President Hanagriff stated that the only way to move forward is to bond money.
Chief Administrative Officer, Jean Paul Bourg gave his report for a two (2) week period ending September 27, 2023.
Per Mrs. Hidalgo’s inquiry relative to the status of Courthouse security, Mr. Bourg stated that ways to fund it are being discussed for the upcoming budget.
Mrs. Hidalgo stated that the security officer that attends the Council Meetings is for the safety of the public and the Council and thanked the security officer for her service.
In response to Dr. Rink’s inquiry regarding the re- pair status of Pump Station No. 9, Mr. Bourg stated that the pumps are operational and running but one (1) needs modification.
Per Mr. Adams’ inquiry relative to completion of LA 70 in Morgan City, Mr. Bourg stated that he will get an update from DOTD. Mr. Bennett stated that it should be complete in a few weeks.
In response to Dr. Rink’s inquiry relative to water issues at Oschner St. Mary Hospital due to the LA 70 road construction, Mr. Bourg stated that he does not have any information.
Per Dr. Rink’s inquiry relative to the old Plantation Inn property in Patterson, Planning & Zoning Director, Tammy Luke stated that the condemnation ordinance is on tonight’s agenda for introduction.
Planning & Zoning Director, Tammy Luke presented the following items as recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission at their September 18, 2023 regular meeting:
a. Recommend Preliminary & Final Subdivision/Development Approval –
Name: Tippy Lovell, Jr.
119 Sandy Ln.
Franklin, LA 70538
Address: 348 Hunting Rd. Franklin, LA
Parcel Id# Parcel #26243410 07.00& Parcel Id# 2624341008.00- Sec. 68 T13S R8E –
-Parcel Id# 2624341007.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066 &
-Parcel Id# 2624341008.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066.
Zoned: Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District
PURPOSE: for a ten (10) lot Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park in an Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District pending Board of Adjustments approval.
b. Recommend Specific Use –
Name: Tippy Lovell Jr.
119 Sandy Ln.
Franklin, LA 70538
Address: 348 Hunting Rd., Franklin, LA
Parcel Id# 2624341007.00 & 2624341008.00-Sec. 70 T15S R11E.
-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066 & -Parcel Id# 2624341008.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066.
Currently Zon-ed: Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District
Specific Use Purpose: for a ten (10) lot Recreational Vehicle Campground Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District pending Board of Adjustments approval.
Mr. Adams recommends Preliminary & Final Subdivision/Development Approval for:
Name: Tippy Lovell, Jr.
119 Sandy Ln.
Franklin, LA 70538
Address: 348 Hunting Rd. Franklin, LA
Parcel Id# Parcel #2624341 007.00& Parcel Id# 2624341 008.00- Sec. 68 T13S R8E –
-Parcel Id# 2624341007.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066 &
-Parcel Id# 2624341008.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066.
Zoned: Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District
PURPOSE: for a ten (10) lot Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park in an Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District pending Board of Adjustments approval.
Mr. Bennett seconded the motion, which carried.
Mr. Adams recommends Specific Use for:
Name: Tippy Lovell Jr.
119 Sandy Ln.
Franklin, LA 70538
Address: 348 Hunting Rd., Franklin, LA
Parcel Id# 2624341007.00 & 2624341008.00-Sec. 70 T15S R11E.
-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066 & -Parcel Id# 2624341008.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066.
Currently Zon-ed: Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District
Specific Use Purpose: for a ten (10) lot Recreational Vehicle Campground Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District pending Board of Adjustments approval.
Mr. Bennett seconded the motion, which carried.
Per Mr. Olan-der’s inquiry relative to what variance is needed, Mrs. Luke stated that she will research and re- port at the next meeting.
Mr. Adams mov-ed that the Board of Review Report, September 13, 2023 be accepted. Dr. Rink seconded the motion, which carried.
Mr. Ina informed of the City of Franklin’s National Night Out that will be held at Pecot’s Park on October 3, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Olander introduced the following Ordinance:
An Ordinance of the St. Mary Parish Council condemning the im- provements consisting of the Plantation Inn Hotel, situated at 815 Highway 90, Parcel ID No. 298428104500-2984281004.00, as a result of same being in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare and ordering the demolition and removal of said improvements by the owner thereof in not less than sixty days from the effective date of this Ordinance.
Mr. Olander in- troduced the following Ordinances:
An Ordinance in compliance with Ordinance No. 1973, DIVISION 5.4 General Procedures for Public Hearings, Section 5.4.3 Specific Use Permits granting a Specific Use.
Exhibit “A”
Name: Tippy Lovell Jr.
119 Sandy Ln.
Franklin, La. 70538
Address: 348 Hunting Rd., Franklin, LA
Parcel Id# 2624341007.00 & 2624341008.00-Sec. 70 T15S R11E;
-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066 & -Parcel Id# 2624341008.00-Lot por No. 4-B Southern Mercantile Group blk a per Plat 24M 192757 situated in Sec. 70 T15S R11E Acq. 433 340066.
Currently Zon-ed: Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District
Specific Use Purpose: for a ten (10) lot Recreational Vehicle Campground Existing Neighborhood (EN3) Zoned District pending Board of Adjustments approval.
An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2151 providing policies and procedures for districts, agencies, boards and commissions heretofore or hereafter created by the St. Mary Parish Council or its predecessor, the St. Mary Parish Policy Jury; consolidating and delegating certain governmental functions of said districts, agencies, boards and commissions; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.
Item 12D, “FOR INTRODUCTION - An Ordinance authorizing the Parish of St. Mary to enter into a lease agreement with TDS Trucking, Training, & Technology, LLC relative to the lease of buildings and parking areas formerly known as the Air Logistics/Bristow facility at the Harry P. Williams Memorial Airport,” was withdrawn. Therefore, Tomika Willis, TDS Trucking, Training, & Technology LLC Owner, did not appear as a guest.
Mr. Olander moved that the following Resolutions be adopted. Dr. Rink seconded the motion, which carried by the following 8-0-0-3 Roll Call vote:
YEAS: Mathews, Ina, Olander, Rulf, Bennett, Adams, Rink, and Hidalgo
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Ramsey, Hebert, and Duhon
Resolution ratifying a previously executed Amendment No. 1 with the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) relative to the Maintenance Agreement through Fiscal Year 2024.
WHEREAS, David Hanagriff, Parish President to execute an executed Amendment No. 1 with the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) relative to the Maintenance Agreement through Fiscal Year 2024.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Mary Parish Council does hereby ratify the actions of David Hanagriff, President of the Parish of St. Mary, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Parish Council, to execute a previously executed Amendment No. 1 with the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) relative to the Maintenance Agreement through Fiscal Year 2024., with said agreement to contain such terms, conditions, and stipulations as he may best see fit, he being fully authorized in the premises.
ADOPTED AND APPROV-ED by the St. Mary Parish Council in regular session convened on this the 27th day of September 2023.
Resolution ap- proving and authorizing David Hanagriff, the President of the Parish of St. Mary to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) relative to State Project No. H.014640 – Local Road Signing & Striping (St. Mary).
BE IT RESOLV-ED, that David Hanagriff, President of the Parish of St. Mary, be and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Parish Council, to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) relative to State Project No. H.014640 – Local Road Signing & Striping (St. Mary), with said Agreement to contain such terms, conditions, and stipulations as he may best see fit, he being fully authorized in the premises.
ADOPTED AND APPRO-VED by the St. Mary Parish Council in regular session convened on this the 27th day of September 2023.
A Resolution providing for the approval and authorization for Change Order No. 3 relative to the Swing Span Bridge Improvements project.
WHEREAS, a certain contract has been entered into between the St. Mary Parish Council and Coastal Contractors, LLC, P.O. Box 14056, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70898, relative to the Swing Span Bridge Improvements project, and
WHEREAS, the items as shown on Change Order No. 3 will result in a decrease of $2,849.03 in the contract price and an increase of 36 days in the contract time.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Mary Parish Council does hereby approve the issuance of Change Order No. 3 covering a de- crease of $2,849.03 in the contract price and an in- crease of 36 days in the contract time for the Swing Span Bridge Im- provements project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-ED, that the President of St. Mary Parish, David Hanagriff, be and he is hereby authorized to execute Change Order No. 3 on behalf of the St. Mary Parish Council.
ADOPTED AND APPROV-ED by the St. Mary Parish Council in regular session convened on this the 27th day of September 2023.
Resolution auth- orizing and ap- proving the Parish President to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Firmin Architects, Ltd. relative to Emergency Power and Facility Improvements at the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) Warehouse.
BE IT RESOLV-ED, that David Hanagriff, President of the Parish of St. Mary, be and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Parish Council, to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Firmin Architects, Ltd. relative to Emergency Power and Facility Improvements at the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) Warehouse, with said agreement to contain such terms, conditions, and stipulations as he may best see fit, he being fully authorized in the premises.
ADOPTED AND APPROV-ED by the St. Mary Parish Council in regular session convened on this the 27th day of September 2023.
A Resolution authorizing and directing the President to execute for and on behalf of the Parish of St. Mary, a Certificate of Substantial Completion from ARL Construction, Inc. relative to the 2021 Restroom Modifications and Associated Im- provements at St. Mary Parish Law Enforcement Center Project.
WHEREAS, ARL Construction, Inc., 15223 Hwy. 182 W, Franklin Louisiana 70538, has substantially completed the 2021 Restroom Modifications and Associated Im- provements at St. Mary Parish Law Enforcement Center Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Parish of St. Mary that the President be, and he is hereby em- powered, authorized, and directed to execute a Certificate of Substantial Completion for and on behalf of the Parish of St. Mary accepting the 2021 Restroom Modifications and Associated Im- provements at St. Mary Parish Law Enforcement Center Project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-ED, that he be authorized and directed to have a copy of said Certificate of Substantial Completion recorded in the mortgage records of St. Mary Parish, Louisiana.
ADOPTED AND APPROV-ED by the St. Mary Parish Council in regular session convened on this the 13th day of September 2023.
Mr. Olander moved that the following Resolutions be adopted. Rev. Mathews seconded the motion, which carried by the following 8-0-0-3 Roll Call vote:
YEAS: Ina, Olander, Rulf, Bennett, Adams, Rink, Hidalgo, and Mathews
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Ramsey, Hebert, and Duhon
Resolution ap- proving the issuance, sale, and delivery of not exceeding $650,000 of Revenue Anticipation Notes of St. Mary Parish Water and Sewer Commission No. 4, State of Louisiana, and providing for other matters relating thereto.
WHEREAS, St. Mary Parish Water and Sewer Commission No. 4, State of Louisiana (the “District”), by resolution adopted on September 12, 2023 (the “District Resolution”), proposes to issue not exceeding $650,000 of Revenue Anticipation Notes (the “Notes”), to bear interest at a rate of not exceeding seven per centum (7%) per annum and mature not later than December 31, 2024, for the purposes set forth in the District Resolution.
WHEREAS, it is now the desire of the St. Mary Parish Council to approve the issuance of the Notes.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the St. Mary Parish Council, acting as the governing authority of the Parish of St. Mary, State of Louisiana, that:
SECTION 1. In compliance with the provisions of Article VI, Section 15 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, and in accordance with the request of the Board of St. Mary Parish Water and Sewer Commission No. 4, State of Louisiana, this Parish Council hereby approves the issuance and sale of not exceeding $650,000 of Revenue Anticipation Notes of the District.
SECTION 2. Neither the Parish nor this Parish Council shall be liable in any manner for the payment of the Notes.
ADOPTED AND APPROV-ED by the St. Mary Parish Council in regular session convened on this the 27th day of September 2023.
A. Referred from the August 23, 2023, Regular Meeting – Appointments to the following Boards and Commissions:
Sorrell Community Park Advisory Committee – 3 Vacancies
Latarsha M. Charles
Rev. Mathews moved that La- tarsha M. Charles be appointed to the Sorrell Community Park Advisory Committee. Mr. Ina seconded the motion, which carried.
B. As per LA RS 38:291 (Z) relative to the St. Mary Levee District, the St. Mary Parish Council is responsible for submitting a list containing three nominations from each of the eight single member parish council districts. The Governor shall appoint one member to represent each District.
District VI: Andrew V. Mancuso, P.E.
District VIII: Norris J. Crappell
Mr. Adams stated that due to district lines moving on the new maps, these two (2) applicants are no longer in Districts VI and VIII. He questioned how this will affect which districts it now places Mr. Mancuso and Mr. Crappell to reside in. Lisa Morgan stated that she will need clarification from the attorney.
After discussion, Mr. Ina moved that this item be tabled. Mr. Adams seconded the motion, which carried by the following 8-0-0-3 Roll Call vote:
YEAS: Olander, Rulf, Bennett, Adams, Rink, Hi- dalgo, Mathews, and Ina
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Ramsey, Hebert, and Duhon
A. Mr. Nelson B. Cortez has written to resign from the Tourist Commission effective im- mediately. Due to personal reasons, it makes his decision necessary, and he has enjoyed his 11 years on the commission.
Mr. Cortez will be sent a letter thanking him for his service and the vacancy will be advertised.
B. Terry Foulcard, St. Mary Parish Registrar of Voters writes that under the provisions of R.S. 18:532B, provides that the governing authority of each parish shall establish precincts, define the territorial limits for which each precinct is established, prescribe their boundaries, and designate the precincts. It is with this in mind that each year the Registrar of Voters works with the Secretary of State’s Office to conduct a canvass of the voter registration rolls to verify residential addresses of all voters as required by law. This process allows the registrar to update the voter registration rolls so the active and inactive registered voters in each precinct within the parish can be identified. This letter is to notify you there are two precincts in our parish that have less than 300 voters.
The law provides for the parish governing authority to take action within 60 days after re- ceipt of this letter. Such action may include (1) merging precincts, thereby eliminating a precinct; (2) consolidating polling places; (3) applying for an exemption.
Lisa Morgan informed that an exemption will be filed on these two (2) items as recommended by the Registrar of Voters.
There being no further business, Mr. Adams moved for adjournment. Dr. Rink seconded the motion, which carried.
Gwendolyn L. Hidalgo,
Lisa C. Morgan,
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


September 14, 2023
Group Health Plan Workshop
The St. Mary Parish School Board met and conducted a Group Health Plan Informational Workshop on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., in the Evans Medine Meeting Room at the Central Office Complex in Centerville, Louisiana, with the following members answering to roll call:
Present: Ms. Tammie L. Moore, Mrs. Lindsey T. Anslem, Ms. Debra R. Jones, Mrs. Ginger S. Griffin, Ms. Marilyn P. LaSalle, Mr. Murphy J. Pontiff Jr., Mr. Chad M. Paradee, Mrs. Alaina L. Black, Mr. Andrew V. Mancuso, Mrs. Rhonda R. Dennis and Mr. Joseph C. Foulcard Jr. (arrived at 4:35 p.m.)
Absent: None
Mr. James Perez of DJW Insurance Agency, Inc., provided the Board with a spreadsheet that illustrated the impact of the 16.1 percent rate increase for the St. Mary Parish School Board 2024 Commercial Group Health plan re- newal.
A rate concession request on the Medicare Advantage plan was submitted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana un- derwriters, and they agreed to a revised increase of $5.00 per member per month for an adjusted $227 per member per month premium rate, which has an im- pact of $42,000 rate increase for the entire year. Currently, the share for the premium from the employer is $863,000 per month. If the school board ab- sorb the entire 16.1 percent and not pass any of that cost on to the employees, that would change the employer’s monthly contribution to $972,000, with a monthly increase of $168,470.63.
Mr. Perez briefly explained the process and benefits of a self-funded plan. He also provided the Board with a hypothetical self-funded financial summary based on actual premium and claims updated through August 2023.
This workshop provided information only and the Board will vote at the regular meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m., whether the St. Mary Parish School Board will absorb the annual increase of the $2,000,000 for the Commercial Group Health plan, and the an- nual increase of $42,000 for the Medicare Advantage plan.
After a lengthy discussion, the meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m.
Public Hearing
The St. Mary Parish School Board held a public hearing on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 5:15 p.m., in the Evans Medine Meeting Room at the Central Office Complex in Centerville, Louisiana, to receive input from the general public on the consolidated budget for the year ending June 30, 2024, including the general fund, special revenue funds, and all other funds of the St. Mary Parish School Board. This consolidated budget is available for public viewing at any time at the Central Office Complex, 474 Highway 317, Centerville, Louisiana. Roll call was recorded as follows:
President Black called for public input from the audience and there was one public comment request.
Mr. Phillip Fontenot asked the Board for clarification on the special project allocation for Berwick High School’s track. Constituents of District II deems that the funds for the track should have been allocated in a separate fund and believes that it is taking away funds from other expenses that are more im- portant.
Mr. Paradee ex- plained the process of the special projects list submitted by school principals. Items are discussed and voted on by the maintenance district committee and then brought to the full Board for approval. The track funds were allocated multiple years in a row because it was a large expenditure, and it will take time to complete the project.
The floor was then opened for other public comments and with there being none, the public hearing adjourned at 5:24 p.m.
Regular Session
The St. Mary Parish School Board met in regular session on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., in the Evans Medine Meeting Room at the Central Office Complex in Centerville, Louisiana, with the following members answering to roll call:
Ms. Estay gave the Invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
President Black led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Recognition of newly appointed positions:
Ms. Estay recognized and congratulated the new appointees as follows:
•Mr. Ashley Gregory – St. Mary Parish Schools, Data Analyst
•Mrs. Kathryn Hewitt – St. Mary Parish Schools, Data Analyst
Approval of Amended Agenda.
No amended agenda.
Approval of Official School Board Minutes.
Mrs. Griffin offered the motion and Mr. Mancuso offered the second to approve the official school board minutes from the regular school board meeting held on August 10, 2023, and the budget workshop special session meeting held on August 16, 2023. All in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Consent Agenda.
President Black stated that Board Members can remove any of the items on the consent agenda for further discussion in the regular proceedings. Dr. Fegenbush read aloud the items on the consent agenda as follows:
New Business
Item 6. *Proclamation(s):
A. *National School Lunch Week (October 9-13, 2023)
B. *White Cane Awareness Day (October 15, 2023)
C. *Red Ribbon Week (October 21-29, 2023)
F. *Veterans Day (November 11, 2023)
Item 8. *Permission to submit the Annual Financial Report (AFR) to the State of Louisiana Department of Education for the year ending June 30, 2023.
Item 10. *Request for Disposal and Weeding of Library Materials for the 2023-2024 school year.
Item 15. *Field Trips
A. *Berwick High School, Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization Travel to National FFA Headquarters and Event Center, Indianapolis, Indiana (October 27-November 4, 2023)
B. * Franklin High School, Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization Travel to Mississippi Youth Expo. State Fairgrounds, Jackson, Mississippi (December 7-10, 2023)
Item 17. *Permission to advertise for bid Franklin Sr. High roofing project Phase II using ESSER Funds.
Ms. Moore requested to pull Item 13 and 14 from the consent agenda.
Mr. Foulcard requested to pull Item 6 D from the consent agenda.
Mr. Mancuso requested to pull Item 1 A-I from the consent agenda.
Ms. LaSalle requested to pull Item 6 E from the consent agenda.
Ms. LaSalle made a motion to approve remaining items on the consent agenda, with the exception of pulling Item 1 A-I, 6 D-E, 13 and 14 for further discussion. Mr. Foulcard made a second, all in favor and the motion carried.
Business Af- fairs:
Item 1. Review policies from Forethought Consulting as revised by Hammonds and Sills
A. Executive Sessions (BCCK)
B. Annual Operation Budget (DC)
C. Audits (DID)
D. Emergency/Crisis Management (EBBC)
E. Public Health Emergency (EBBI)
F. Video/Audio Monitoring of School Board Property (EBCB)
G. Student Transportation Management (ED)
H. Sick Leave (GBRIB)
I. Maternity and Adoptive Leave (GBRIC)
Mr. Mancuso made a motion to table Item 1 A-I until the October 12, 2023 regular school meeting for further review. Mr. Paradee made a second, all in favor and the motion carried.
Item 2. Review and consider for approval the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) certified and support staff stipends guidance and allocation.
Ms. Estay indicated that the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) created the Certified and Support Staff Allocation Fund. The certified staff stipend is $2,000 and $1,000 for support staff. The St. Mary Parish School Board received a total of $2,319,638 on August 22, 2023, which was not included in the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) formula. PreK certified and support staff are not included in the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) stipend allocation plan, it is recommended that the St. Mary Parish School Board General Fund provides the additional $83,750 estimated funds needed to pay stipends for these positions. The Certificated staff will receive $1,000 and Support staff will receive $500 if employed on December 15, 2023 and payment would be disbursed on December 21, 2023. In spring 2024, if employed on April 19, 2024, certificated staff will receive $1,000 and support staff will receive $500 on April 30, 2024.
Ms. LaSalle made a motion and seconded by Mrs. Anslem to approve the Louisiana De- partment of Education (LDOE) certified and support staff stipends guidance and allocation, as presented by Dr. Estay. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 3. Recommend and approve a one-time stipend to all full-time active employees per .45 percent sales tax allocation.
President Black stated that the St. Mary Parish School Board adopted a .45 percent sale tax (beginning July 1, 2021) approved through public election dedicated to supplement em- ployee salaries and benefits. The Board has the opportunity to as- sess the current budget and determine if additional funds collected may be distributed to all full-time, active employees, except school board members, in the form of a one-time stipend. It is being recommended that the Board approve a one-time stipend to all full-time, active em- ployees in an amount commensurate with fiscal reporting of the .45 percent sales tax collections through June 2023. It is estimated that a one-time stipend of $600 with benefits would cost the Board approximately $900,000 and would be paid to all full-time, active employees who have been employed since September 1, 2023. If approved, the payment will be disbursed on November 17, 2023.
Ms. Moore made a motion and seconded by Mr. Pontiff to approve a one-time stipend $600 to all full-time active em- ployees per .45 percent sales tax allocation, as presented by President Black. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 4. Receive update on healthcare renewal and take appropriate action.
In a follow up to the insurance workshop held prior to this meeting today, Mr. James Perez re- ported that the Commercial Group Health plan was received from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana and the increase for the 2024 plan year is 16.1 percent, which amounts to $1,825,000 in annual increase. The Medicare Ad- vantage plan which ensures retirees with both parts A & B of Medicare in- creased $5.00 per member per month for an annual total increase of $42,000.
Ms. LaSalle made a motion and seconded by Mr. Foulcard to absorb all increases of the Medicare Advantage plan and the Commercial Group Health plan, as recommended by Mr. James Perez. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 5. Approve casualty insurance for year commencing October 1, 2023
Mrs. Carmel Breaux of Norris Consulting briefly explained the St. Mary Parish School Board Liability Insurance Renewal for October 1, 2023. She recommended that the Board approve the renewal of the LARMA liability package and the Cyber liability policy for the amount of $541,240.
Mrs. Griffin made a motion and seconded by Ms. Jones to approve the casualty insurance for year commencing October 1, 2023, as recommended by Mrs. Breaux. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 6: Proclamation
D. National School Bus Safety Week (October 16-20, 2023)
Ms. Mitchell in- dicated that the National School Bus Safety Week is held during the third week of October to promote school bus safety. In St. Mary Parish 62 school bus operators and other transportation staff safely transport St. Mary’s students to and from school. Bus Safety Week is a time to recognize the importance of St. Mary Parish bus operators and appreciate the in- valuable contributions they make to education and student safety as they are the first persons to greet students in the morning and the last persons to interact with students at the end of the school day. St. Mary Parish School Board declare October 16-20, 2023 as National School Bus Safety Week in St. Mary Parish.
Ms. Moore made a motion and seconded by Mrs. Dennis to approve the National School Bus Safety Week for October 16-20, 2023, as presented by Ms. Mitchell. All in favor and the motion carried.
E. Bullying Prevention Month (October 2023)
Ms. Mitchell stated that Bullying is not a new phenomenon, but the tactics that are used have changed over the years. Bullying is no longer isolated to student events. Un- fortunately, some adults experience bullying as well. Thanks to social media, 24/7 interaction is more prevalent and cy- ber bullying is becoming a current trend as well. Ms. Mitchell asked to proclaim the month of October as Bullying Prevention Month to assist in raising awareness that bullying will not be tolerated in St. Mary Parish schools and workplaces.
Ms. Jones made a motion and seconded by Mrs. Anslem to approve the Bullying Prevention Month for October 2023, as presented by Ms. Mitchell. All in favor and the motion carried.
G. Learning Disabilities Awareness Month (October 2023) NEW
Ms. Mitchell reported that Learning Disabilities Awareness Month is celebrated every October, and the month aims to educate, raise awareness and celebrate the unique differences of various learning disabilities including dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dysgraphia and dys- calculia, and other executive functioning difficulties. Ms. Mitchell re- spectfully requested the Board to add Learning Disabilities Awareness Month to the St. Mary Parish School Board annual proclamation listing for the month of October.
Ms. Moore made a motion and seconded by Dennis to approve the Learning Disabilities Awareness Month for October 2023, as presented by Ms. Mitchell. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 7. Approve increase of visitor meal cost.
Mr. Mancuso made a motion and seconded by Mrs. Anslem to approve the increase of visitor/extra breakfast price to $3.50 and visitor/extra lunch price to $4.75, as presented by Ms. Chaisson. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 9. Approve resolution adopting operating budget of revenues and expenditures for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
Mr. Perry read aloud the Resolution as follows:
A Resolution adopting an Operating Budget of Revenues and Ex- penditures for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024
SECTION 1. The attached detailed estimate of Revenues by Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024, be and the same is hereby adopted to serve as an Operating Budget of Revenues for the School Board, during the same period.
SECTION 2. The attached estimates of Expenditures by Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024, be and the same is hereby adopted to serve as a budget of Expenditures for the School Board, during the same period.
SECTION 3. The adoption of this Operating Budget of Expenditures be and the same is hereby declared to operate as an appropriation of the amount therein set forth within the terms of the budget classification.
SECTION 4. The chief executive and administrative officers of the political subdivision have the authority to make changes within various budget classifications without approval by the governing authority, as well as those powers reserved solely to the governing authority.
Alaina L. Black
Buffy Fegenbush, Ed. D.
Mr. Pontiff made a motion and seconded by Mr. Foulcard to approve the resolution adopting operating budget of revenues and expenditures for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024 , as presented by Mr. Perry. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item 11. Discuss and take necessary action on bids received for Patterson High School and Berwick Junior High School roofing projects using ESSER funds.
Mr. Wiese indicated that Berwick High School should have been included in Item 11 for discussion and necessary action on bids received for the roofing projects using ESSER funds.
Mr. Paradee made a motion and seconded by Mr. Pontiff to add Berwick High School to Item 11 to be included with Patterson High School and Berwick Junior High School bids received for roofing projects. With there being no abstentions, the motion carried.
Mr. Wiese recommended that the low bid plus deductive alternates #1 (reduces the insulation thickness of the roof system), #2 (eliminated reroofing of the canopies on Berwick and Patterson High Schools) and #3 (eliminate reroofing of the two-story classroom building at Berwick Junior High) from Coleman Roofing and Construction, LLC in Gonzales, Louisiana be accepted at a total cost of $3,210,000.
Mrs. Anslem made a motion to approve bids re- ceived for Patterson High School and Berwick Junior High School, and Berwick High School roofing projects using ESSER Funds, as recommended by Mr. Wiese.
Mr. Mancuso amended the motion to accept Mr. Wiese’s recommendation to award the low bid to Coleman Roofing and Construction, LLC in Gonzales, Louisiana but include alternate #3 back in quote for reroofing of the two-story classroom building at Berwick Junior High. Mrs. Anslem made a second, all in favor and the motion carried.
Item 12. Discuss and take appropriate action to start process to increase school board member monthly stipend.
Ms. LaSalle shared information with the Board regarding school board members monthly compensation from surrounding parishes, which averaged to $800 for board members and $900 for the board president. Currently, the monthly compensation for the St. Mary Parish School Board is $600 for board members and $700 for the board president. Ms. LaSalle stated that she is not seeking action on this item The floor was opened was public comments. There was on public comment request as follows:
Mr. Phillip Fontenot stated it would be in the best interest for school board members to research and increase salaries for the employees that takes care of the students.
Ms. LaSalle agreed with Mr. Fontenot and indicated that the Board is working on it.
After discussion, Ms. LaSalle made a motion to table Item 12 until further notice. Mrs. Griffin made a second, all in favor the motion carried.
Item 13. Memorandum of Understanding between St. Mary Parish School Board and St. Mary/Vermilion CAA Head Start Program with provisions of Public Law 102 – 119 (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and Public Law 97 – 35 (Federal Head Start Act)
Ms. Moore re- quested to pull Item 13 from the Consent Agenda to abstain from voting due to a conflict of interest.
Ms. LaSalle made a motion and seconded by Mr. Paradee to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between St. Mary Parish School Board and St. Mary/Vermilion CAA Head Start Program with provisions of Public Law 102 – 119 (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and Public Law 97 – 35 (Federal Head Start Act). All in favor and the motion carried, with Ms. Moore abstaining.
Item 14. Memorandum of Understanding between St. Mary/Vermillion CAA Head Start Program and St. Mary Parish School Board.
Ms. Moore re- quested to pull Item 14 from the Consent Agenda to abstain from voting due to a conflict of interest.
Ms. Jones made a motion and seconded by Mrs. Anslem to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between St. Mary/Vermillion CAA Head Start Program and St. Mary Parish School Board. All in favor and the motion carried, with Ms. Moore abstaining.
Item 16. Discuss and take ap- propriate action to start process to adopt the Louisiana PPM49 travel guide for St. Mary Parish Schools and Board.
Ms. Moore stated that she does not want to make a motion tonight on adopting the Louisiana travel guide. However, she wanted to present the information for the Board to re- view and see if it would benefit the St. Mary Parish School Board to either adopt or not adopt the policy.
Ms. Moore made a motion and seconded by Ms. LaSalle to table item 16 to provide board members time to review the policy before the next regular school board meeting. All in favor and the motion carried.
1. School Uniform Committee met on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., in the Evans Meeting Room at the Central Office Complex in Centerville, LA.
Ms. LaSalle re- ported that the School Uniform Committee unanimously voted to leave the current Student Dress Code policy (JCDB) as is with the student polo shirts remaining as navy blue and white at B. Edward Boudreaux Middle School. It is now being brought to the full Board for approval.
Ms. LaSalle made the motion to leave the current Student Dress Code policy (JCDB) as is with the student polo shirts remaining as navy blue and white at B. Edward Boudreaux Middle School. Ms. Moore made the second, all in favor and the motion carried.
Mr. Mancuso scheduled a Maintenance District III Committee meeting prior to the October 12, 2023 regular school board meeting at 4:45 p.m., in the Evans Medine Meeting Room at the Central Office Complex in Centerville, Louisiana, to receive updates on District III ongoing projects that were previously approved.
Staff Report:
Chief Financial Officer’s Re- port:
Sale Tax Up- date
Mr. Perry reported that the sales tax collections for the month of October estimated at $2,100,000 collected versus a budget of $ 1,900,000.
Financial Statements (Major Funds Only):
The Board was provided financial statements for major funds only to review at their leisure.
Other Significant Items:
Superintendent’s Report:
Dr. Fegenbush first commended the Board for ab- sorbing the additional healthcare renewal expenses that could have been an additional expense for St. Mary Parish School Board em- ployees.
On September 13th, progress reports were re- leased, and parent teacher conferences were held.
This week, Patterson High and Morgan City High School will be celebrating Homecoming and Berwick High, Centerville High, Franklin High and West St. High School will celebrate Homecoming within the next few weeks.
Pre-K classes are almost at capacity with 310 students.
In closing, Dr. Fegenbush stated that the safety and well-being of students, staff and faculty is St. Mary Parish School Board’s highest priority. A thorough review of safety measures and emergency response procedures are currently being conducted, and school-based drills have been and are being conducted on every St. Mary Parish school site.
Resolutions of Respect
Ms. Estay read the Resolutions of Respect for the late Delories Ed- wards (retired school bus driver), Josefa Hebert (retired school cafeteria technician), Matthew Johnson (retired head custodian), Sara Vercher (retired school teacher), and Rose White (an active school bus driver).
With there being no further business to address, Ms. Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Mancuso made a second, all in favor and the motion carried.
Delories Edwards
WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has taken from our midst Delories Ed- wards, and
WHEREAS, her untimely death has deprived the St. Mary Parish School System of a retired school bus driver and a fine citizen;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Mary Parish School Board and the people attending this Board meeting, rise and bow our heads in silent prayer out of respect for the late Delories Ed- wards, and extend to her bereaved family our sincere condolences in this, their hour of sorrow; and in these inadequate words, endeavor to express the high regard in which we held her in life and honor her memory in death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-ED that a copy of this resolution be inscribed on a separate page of the official proceedings of this meeting; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the be- reaved family of Delories Ed- wards, and that this meeting ad- journs out of respect for her.
This Resolution was therefore declared approved and adopted this 14th of September, 2023.
(S) Alaina L. Black
(S) Buffy
Rose White
WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has taken from our midst Rose White, and
WHEREAS, her untimely death has deprived the St. Mary Parish School System of an active school bus driver and a fine citizen;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Mary Parish School Board and the people attending this Board meeting, rise and bow our heads in silent prayer out of re- spect for the late Rose White, and extend to her bereaved family our sincere condolences in this, their hour of sorrow; and in these inadequate words, endeavor to ex- press the high regard in which we held her in life and honor her memory in death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-ED that a copy of this resolution be inscribed on a separate page of the official proceedings of this meeting; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the be- reaved family of Rose White, and that this meeting adjourns out of respect for her.
This Resolution was therefore declared approved and adopted this 14th of September, 2023.
(S) Alaina L. Black
(S) Buffy
Sara Vercher
WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has taken from our midst Sara Vercher, and
WHEREAS, her untimely death has deprived the St. Mary Parish School System of a retired school teacher and a fine citizen;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Mary Parish School Board and the people attending this Board meeting, rise and bow our heads in silent prayer out of re- spect for the late Sara Vercher, and extend to her bereaved family our sincere condolences in this, their hour of sorrow; and in these inadequate words, en- deavor to express the high regard in which we held her in life and honor her memory in death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-ED that a copy of this resolution be inscribed on a separate page of the official proceedings of this meeting; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the be- reaved family of Sara Vercher, and that this meeting adjourns out of respect for her.
This Resolution was therefore de- clared approved and adopted this 14th of September, 2023.
(S) Alaina L. Black
(S) Buffy
WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has taken from our midst Matthew Johnson, and
WHEREAS, his untimely death has deprived the St. Mary Parish School System of a retired head custodian and a fine citizen;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Mary Parish School Board and the people attending this Board meeting, rise and bow our heads in silent prayer out of respect for the late Matthew Johnson, and extend to his bereaved family our sincere condolences in this, their hour of sorrow; and in these inadequate words, endeavor to express the high regard in which we held him in life and honor his memory in death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be inscribed on a separate page of the official proceedings of this meeting; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the bereaved family of Matthew Johnson, and that this meeting adjourns out of respect for him.
This Resolution was therefore declared approved and adopted this 14th of September, 2023.
(S) Alaina L. Black
(S) Buffy
Josefa Hebert
WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has taken from our midst Josefa Hebert, and
WHEREAS, her untimely death has deprived the St. Mary Parish School System of a retired school cafeteria technician and a fine citizen;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Mary Parish School Board and the people attending this Board meeting, rise and bow our heads in silent prayer out of respect for the late Josefa Hebert, and extend to her bereaved family our sincere condolences in this, their hour of sorrow; and in these inadequate words, endeavor to ex- press the high regard in which we held her in life and honor her memory in death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-ED that a copy of this resolution be inscribed on a separate page of the official proceedings of this meeting; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the be- reaved family of Josefa Hebert, and that this meeting adjourns out of respect for her.
This Resolution was therefore de- clared approved and adopted this 14th of September, 2023.
(S) Alaina L. Black
(S) Buffy
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


Minutes -
September 5, 2023
Council Meeting
City of Patterson, Louisiana
The meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Patterson, Louisiana was held on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. The meeting was held at 1314 Main Street in the Council meeting room at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Rodney Grogan presided over the meeting.
Mayor Rodney Grogan called the Council Meeting to order.
Pastor Ronnie J. Foret with Lighthouse Community Church led the invocation.
Chief of Police Garrett Grogan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Midge Bourgeois, City Clerk, called Roll. Councilmembers De- Male Bowden, Jr., Ray Dewey, Mamie Perry, Miranda Weinbach, and Mayor Pro Tem were present.
C. J. Franklin from Providence Engineering and Chief Garrett Grogan was in attendance. City Attorney, Russel Cre- maldi was absent.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle and seconded by Councilmember Miranda Weinbach to dispense with the reading and approve the August 1, 2023, minutes. Councilmembers De- Male Bowden, Jr., Ray Dewey, Mamie Perry, Miranda Weinbach, and Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle voted yes.
A motion was made by Councilmember Ray Dewey and seconded by Councilmember Mamie Perry to accept the financial statement submission. Councilmembers De- Male Bowden, Jr., Ray Dewey, Mamie Perry, Miranda Weinbach, and Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle voted yes.
Bo LaGrange announced his candidacy for State Senate District 21.
Angelena Brocato announced her candidacy for St. Mary Parish Council at Large, District 10.
Charles “But-chie” McKinley an- nounced his candidacy for St. Mary Parish Council, District 5.
Timothy LeBlanc announced his candidacy for St. Mary Parish Council President.
Les Rulf an- nounced his candidacy for St. Mary Parish Council, District 5.
Jim Harvey an- nounced his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential election.
Reginald Weary announced his candidacy for the St. Mary Parish Council at Large, District 10.
Katie Bourgeois, PHS Project Graduation – did not show up.
Linda Simmons – Band Booster – approved for can shake on Sunday, November 12, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Heath Leet – did not show up.
A motion was made by Councilmember Mamie Perry and seconded by Councilmember Ray Dewey to reintroduce Ordinance #2023-09 authorizing the city to enter into a Cooperative En- deavor Agreement with Acadian Am- bulance, granting a right of use of the old city hall building, including term of right to use, consideration, and other terms and conditions. This reintroduction of the Ordinance is due to the terms has changed only, nothing else has changed.
Holden Murray, Human Resources spoke on the handbook policy update which the topic is Medical Marijuana. Mr. Murray stated that medical Marijuana is now legal in most of the states and the District of Columbia plus recreational marijuana is legal in most states, the current trend in the United States at this time is to legalize medical Marijuana for municipal purposes or any purpose and to decriminalize Marijuana. In Louisiana the Governor has sign-ed an act stating if a state employee has been found with traces of marijuana or THC in their system they should not have to suffer any adverse punishments, they can’t be fired, suspended, or any punishments if medical Marijuana that is legal in the State of Louisiana is found in their system. We, the City of Patterson need to be proactive. Any employee who works in the gas department or Police department by Federal law can’t use any type of marijuana. When it comes to the Americans Disability Act (ADA) if a person has a disability you can not discriminate against them, however, the ADA does not approve of Medical Marijuana. By becoming proactive, if an employee has been licensed to use Medical Marijuana they must bring in their Medical Marijuana license in, have a copy made to be put into their employee folder and they can’t be impaired during working hours. A medical doctor has to prescribe the Medical Marijuana license and the person with the license will be registered with the Department of Health and Hospital so this part is the responsibility of the doctor, not the employer. Mayor Grogan advised that we move forward with changes in the handbook regarding gas em- ployees and law enforcement em- ployees ASAP. As for the other em- ployees, make sure it is valid and they have the legal paperwork. Holden Murray stated he would add a Medical Marijuana clause in the handbook.
Mayor Grogan announced that Bo Duhe, District Attorney called him and other mayors wanting to meet with them regarding Lead- Cable litigation and looking at entering into a lawsuit where they need the parish and local government to commit. Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle at- tended this meeting, at this meeting it stated that “with your claims against various entities including AT& T for all claims you have for damages arising out of contamination from lead-wrapped cables collectively re- ferred to as Claims, and the prosecution of those Claims. Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle stated everyone is on board with this and the attorneys taking the lead in everything to see what we can get out of it. Mr. Condolle also advised that everyone has to be on board and to make sure everyone in the parish is included. The cable itself has lead in it, this is underground, and traces of lead have been found. Bo Duhe asking that we consider joining in litigation. Steve Bierhorst advised that some of the people working on the PFAS litigation are working on the Lead-Cable litigation.
A motion was made by Councilmember Mamie Perry and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle to adopt a Resolution to commit all funds over the $5,000,000 General Obligation Bond Priority I State funds necessary to satisfactorily complete the project scope for Water Plant Improvements, Planning, and Construction (FP&C Project No. 50-MM9-23-01) and City will commit all funds over the $2,395,000 General Obligation Bond Priority 1 State funds necessary to satisfactorily complete the project scope for Rehabilitation of Nine Sewer Lift Stations (FP&C Project No. 50- MM9-23-02). Councilmembers DeMale Bowden, Jr., Ray Dewey, Mamie Perry, Miranda Weinbach, and Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle voted yes.
Reginald Weary, CFO spoke on a contract with James Purpera Governmental Consulting to assist the City of Patterson with new funding and with ongoing/funded State Capital Outlay projects. The cost for this consulting firm is $4200 per year. Mayor Grogan stated to the new council that Mr. Purpera was a former Legislative Auditor and he would be the best person to have to control the $7,000,000. A motion to move forward with ac- cepting a contract with James Purpera Governmental Consulting was made by Councilmember Miranda Weinbach and seconded by Councilmember DeMale Bowden. Mayor Rodney Grogan did a roll call. Councilmembers DeMale Bowden, Jr., Ray Dewey, Mamie Perry, Miranda Weinbach, and Mayor Pro Tem Lee Condolle voted yes.
Chief Garrett Grogan stated that the Patterson Police will be hosting Night Out Against Crime on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Steve Bierhorst had nothing to report.
Sharon Gillum had nothing to report.
C. J. Franklin with Providence Engineering re- ported on lift stations that they are about 60% completed on preliminary plans and specs to have a meeting in the next 2 weeks. Mr. Franklin advised that Gabriel’s lift station will need a submersible.
Holden Murray announced the Fall Festival is being held on October 14, 2023. Dur-ing Fall Fest the Community Af- fairs Dept will be holding a Cornhole Tournament where proceeds will help with the Patterson Community Center along with a 5K Run with registration starting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Truck or Treat will be held on October 31, 2023, at the Patterson Community Center, to register you can contact Holden at City Hall. Shop Patterson starts next week and on December 9, 2023, Community Af- fairs will be hosting a business seminar through the National League of Cities grant that was awarded to the City of Patterson.
Scott Hutton, Patterson Fire Chief announced on Saturday, October 7, 2023, the fire department will be hosting their open house from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. There will be games, serving jambalaya, and
Beverly Domen-geaux, St. Mary Council on Aging announced on October 16, 2023, at the Senior Activity Center will be serving jambalaya, white beans, and a roll for $10.00, and on October 18, 2023, the annual meeting for the St. Mary Council on Aging will be held at Bayou Bend Wellness Center.
Mayor Rodney Grogan announced Chez Hope has their gala on September 28, 2023, at the Cypress Bayou Casino Pavilion.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council, Mayor Pro Tem Lee Council made a motion to ad- journ, seconded by Councilmember Mamie Perry. The Council unanimously agreed.
Rodney A. Grogan,
Midge Bourgeois,
City Clerk
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


October 13, 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the St. Mary Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing at 5:45 p.m. and will meet in Regular Session at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, in the Parish Council Meeting Room, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana.
The purpose of the Public Meeting will be to receive written and/or oral comments and to adopt the following ordinance:
An Ordinance of the St. Mary Parish Council condemning the improvements consisting of the Plantation Inn hotel, situated at 815 Highway 90, Parcel ID No. 298428104500-2984281004.00, as a result of same being in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare and ordering the demolition and removal of said improvements by the owner thereof in not less than sixty days from the effective date of this ordinance.
An Ordinance in compliance with Ordinance No. 1973, DIVISION 5.4 General Procedures for Public Hearings, Section 5.4.3 Specific Use Permits granting a Specific Use. (Tippy Lovell Jr.)
An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2151 providing policies and procedures for districts, agencies, boards and commissions heretofore or hereafter created by the St. Mary Parish Council or its predecessor, the St. Mary Parish Policy Jury; consolidating and delegating certain governmental functions of said districts, agencies, boards and commissions; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.
Your attendance will be appreciated.
Adv. Oct. 18, 2023


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the St. Mary Parish Council in accordance with law that vacancies exist on the Board of Commissioners of Fire Protection District No. 7.
The St. Mary Parish Council will receive applications for the filling of these vacancies from this date until November 9, 2023 at Noon.
Qualifications for submitting of an application will be in compliance with Part I Chapter 7 Title 40 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Section 40:1495 and 40:1496.
Applications may be mailed or personally submitted Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and Noon and 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to Lisa C. Morgan, Clerk of the Council, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana 70538.
The St. Mary Parish Council will meet in regular session on November 15, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana to fill these vacancies.
Adv. Oct. 18 and Nov. 1, 2023


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the St. Mary Parish Council in accordance with law that a vacancy exists on the Board of Commissioners of Recreation District No. 1 (Amelia).
The St. Mary Parish Council will receive applications for the filling of this vacancy from this date until November 9, 2023 at Noon.
Qualifications for submitting of an application will be in compliance with the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Section 33:4564.
Applications may be mailed or personally submitted Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and Noon and 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to Lisa C., Morgan, Clerk of the Council, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana 70538.
The St. Mary Parish Council will meet in regular session on November 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana to fill this vacancy.
Adv. Oct. 18 and Nov. 1, 2023



Franklin Banner-Tribune
P.O. Box 566, Franklin, LA 70538
Phone: 337-828-3706
Fax: 337-828-2874

Morgan City Review
1014 Front Street, Morgan City, LA 70380
Phone: 985-384-8370
Fax: 985-384-4255